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One of the challenges of owning rabbits is that rabbit usually doesn’t show signs of illness. This is because they are naturally prey animals, and showing signs of illness is simply telling predators about their weakness, making them easily susceptible to a predatory attack. So it can be difficult to know what health condition your rabbit is suffering from. However, if you pay close attention to any change in your rabbit’s behaviour, you will be able to discover that your rabbit is sick and should go to a veterinarian.

Some of the common diseases or health problems of rabbits are discussed below:

  1. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

A common type of health problem for rabbits is snuffles. This is the term for the infection of the upper respiratory tract. Rabbits will usually experience sneezing, mucoid discharge and mucus near the eyes. The rabbit might have red eyes and may also squint. This is a serious condition that should be treated by a veterinarian.

  1. Abscesses

If you discover a bump on the rabbit’s skin that is filled with pus, it could be a sign of an infectious abscess. This often develops after the rabbit has experienced a cut or scratch. Abscesses can be a serious health problem for a rabbit and this is why you must treat them.

  1. Gastrointestinal Stasis

Gastrointestinal stasis is a condition when the digestive system of a rabbit shuts down. Rabbits need to eat regularly and they can experience gastrointestinal stasis if they stop eating. If gastrointestinal stasis sets in, it can be difficult to get the rabbit’s digestive system to start working again. It will usually require surgery to correct.

  1. Parasites

If your rabbit is frequently scratching itself, this could be a sign that the rabbit has a parasite. You will need to have your rabbits treated with a drug that can kill the parasites based on the specific parasite that has infested your rabbit.

  1. Head Tilt

Rabbits that tilt their heads to the side might be suffering from an inner ear infection. This condition can also cause the rabbit to have a difficult time maintaining its balance. Your rabbit will usually need an antibiotic to recover from this condition.

  1. Overgrown Teeth

Rabbits have teeth that grow continuously. The act of chewing helps wear down the teeth at a rate that should equal their growth rate. However, sometimes the teeth will grow faster than they wear down and you will need to have the teeth trimmed. Rabbits that have teeth that have grown too much will often drool and will also sometimes stop eating.

  1. Hore Hock

Your rabbit should not be kept in a wire-floored cage because this is too rough on the rabbit’s hock. This will wear down the fur layer on the sole of the rabbit’s feet, which can cause ulcers to form. These are very painful. The best way to treat this problem is to replace the cage.

Rabbits are delicate and there are many things that can threaten them. But if you are observant, you can keep your rabbit safe. Visit a veterinarian if your rabbit is acting abnormal or if you have any questions. You can also visit Afrimash medicines page to place an order for your veterinarian-prescribed drugs online.

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