Table of Contents
21 – 23 February 2016. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation in Africa. This symposium was organised by Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), Addis Ababa University, the Research and Transfer Centre “Applications of Life Sciences” of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and the International Climate Change Information Programme (ICCIP).
The Symposium was an interdisciplinary event, mobilising African and non-African scholars undertaking research and/or executing climate change projects in the African continent. It focused on “fostering African resilience and capacity to adapt”, showcasing experiences from research, field projects and best practice in climate change adaptation in African countries, which may be useful or implemented in other countries in the continent.
Extracts of the pogramme: Climate Change and Agriculture
- Empirical Analysis of Climate Variability and Impact on Nigerian Agricultural Production Olawale Emmanuel Olayide, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
- Silvopastural systems using indigenous fodder trees and shrubs: the underexploited synergy between climate change adaptation and mitigation in the livestock sector Mulubrhan Balehegn Gebremikael, Mekelle University, Ethiopia
- Potential for Scaling up Climate Smart Agricultural Practices: Examples from Sub Saharan Africa, CIMMYT
- Adaptation to Climate Change in Egyptian Marginal Environments through Sustainable Crop and Livestock Diversification: A Case Study Hassan M.EI Shaer, Desert Research Center, Egypt
- Impacts of climate change and adaptation options for maize production in the Central Rift Valley of EthiopiaBelay Tseganeh Kassie, University of Florida, USA.
- Approaches to adaptation of agriculture to climate change and variability: The Farm Input Subsidy Program (FISP) and the Green Belt Initiative (GBI) in MalawiFloney Patame Kawaye, Australian National University, Australia
- Adaptation Benefits of Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices in the Blue Nile Basin: Empirical Evidence from North-West Ethiopia Paulos Asrat, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
- Assessment of Weather Variability Impact on Rice Yield in South Western Nigeria Tawakalitu Bola Onifade, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Nigeria.
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