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What is the problem with Nigeria's agriculture? Why are there so much uncultivated lands? Why are farmers getting so little yield? Can agriculture ever be better in Nigeria? These are some of the questions that Comfort sought to answer in the post below:
  1. IgnoranceChvojnica_hills_near_Unin

In Nigeria, 75 percent of her rural dwellers survive via subsistence farming but majority of its population still suffers as a result of ignorance.

Agriculture which is the mainstay of every country is still greatly neglected in Nigeria. The vibrant young individuals do not regard agriculture as a means of livelihood but rather see it as a means of livelihood for the poor and illiterate rural dwellers, little did they know that with agriculture they can build skyscraper and also enjoy the luxury of life.

2. Lack of Mechanized Practices in the Agricultural Sector

If agricultural practice is improved beyond manual labour in Nigeria, youth’s will be encouraged to farm.

3. Lack of Adequate Infrastructure

Nigeria’s agricultural sector lacks adequate infrastructure such as good road network, storage facilities, processing facilities, electricity etc. Making the farmers to undergo stress, this obviously will reduce the level of output. If government provides adequate infrastructure youth will be encourage to go into farming.

4. Inconsistency

Inconsistency in government policy is another major challenge facing the agricultural sector. Different government creates different agenda, without considering the implication of terminating the previous policy. If this issue is not addressed, the agricultural sector might still suffer setback.

5. Inadequate Financing

Inadequate financing in the agricultural sector has drastically reduced activities in the sector. Hence, making it difficult for farmers to access enough credit facilities.

6. Lack of Agricultural Education and Poor Extension Service

Doing the same thing all the time will still yield the same result. Most farmers in Nigeria are not educated, so engaging themselves in mechanized farming becomes difficult. They still use the same method of manual farming year in-year out and that is the reason subsistence farming is common in Nigeria. There is need to educate the rural farmers on mechanized farming in order to increase output.

Also, Extension agent should look for better ways to disseminate information on improved varieties and new technologies to farmers in Nigeria.

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One thought on “The Menace of Agriculture in Nigeria

  1. What are the main causes of the lack of infrastructure in the Nigerian agricultural sector?

    Regard Telkom University

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