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cocoa_jpg_1809495cjCocoa (Theobroma cacao) is a major cash crop in the world, but the question is, how many Nigerians are ready to invest in cocoa business? Because cocoa production in Nigeria has reduced drastically and there is need for more participation in the production of cocoa in the country.

Steps in Establishing Cocoa Plantation

  • Get a land
  • Site selection (select a site with good soil structure)
  • Clear and till the land
  • It’s better to plant cocoa seedling than sowing cocoa seed directly into the soil
  • Cocoa seedlings should not be planted too close or too far apart from each other
  • Dig holes 5 to 6 weeks before planting, mix the soil you dug out with manure and refill the hole with the soil
  • Wet the soil before planting the cocoa seedling
  • It is advisable to plant cocoa at the beginning of rainy season
  • Provide the cocoa seedling with shade (not too much shade) by planting plantain
  • Mulch the plantation
  • Protect the plants from pest and diseases
  • Weed the plantation
  • Harvest your cocoa when it is ready for harvest

I’m sure you know what that means!!!

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9 thoughts on “Steps in Cultivating Cocoa

  1. lucky says:

    can this be plantd in the south regional area, or are the specific areas for it?

  2. Oyegoke Akeem says:

    Please what soil type is good for cocoa farming? Can one plant cassava to provide shade for cocoa at nursery stage! Thanks.

  3. Godwin Jimmy says:

    Should the seedlings be planted after drying it?

    1. Dadamu Mayowa says:

      No need to sun dry it.
      As you remove it from the pod, you can plant like that.

  4. John Kennedy says:

    Are the seeds planted fresh or dried?
    Should one put them into the soil or leave them on the soil while propagating them?
    Thank you.

  5. Asianya Emeka Philadelphia says:

    Im ready for this come next rainy season.

  6. James m JOEKOLLIE says:

    Thank you

  7. Adamu Oliver says:

    Nice for meeting this site

    1. Goodness Eshett says:

      Dear Adamu,

      Thank you for the feedback,
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      Warm Regards

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